

1. Check your WordPress Site Health

2. How can I update a theme?

3. How can I translate a theme?

1. Check your WordPress Site Health

We always recommend checking your WordPress Site Health page. Many issues you may encounter can be easily solved by ensuring that you don't have any issues reported by your WordPress Site Health page, like errors or old versions of PHP. 

You can check your WordPress site health via your WordPress backend panel > Tools > Site Health.

2. How can I update a theme?

You have two choices:

Do not delete any of the theme required plugins or you may loose all associated data.

3. How can I translate a theme?

We recommend using a tool that will help you create your localization files instead of creating them manually.

This official WordPress resource details how to localize themes: https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/handbook/internationalization/localization/#translating-themes-and-plugins

The Poedit tool can be used to create your localized files using the themeName.pot file as a base, you can find more information about it here: https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/internationalization/localization/#generating-pot-file